Saturday, December 3, 2011

About SEO & why need SEO.

Introduction about SEO.

      * What is search engine optimization?
         Search engine optimization is the work  required for your web site to achieve high rankings with the search engines when people search selected phrases or search terms. 
      * History of search engine:
       - In 1997 Sergey Brin & Larry Page created Google as a research project at Stanford University.
       - Google is now the most popular search engine in the world.
       - Currently there are three leading international search engines - Google, Yahoo & MSN Search.
      * Why people search?
       - Millions of searches are conducted each day on popular search engines by people  all around the world.
       - Users find the people or businesses they are looking for............
       - For their daily information.

Important of marketing by SEO.
       - 85% of all traffic on the internet is referred to by search engines.
       - 90% of all users don't look past the first 30 results (most only view top 10).
       - Cost -effective advertising.
       - Clear & measurable ROI.
       - Operates under this assumption: More (relevant) traffic + Good Conversions Rat =More Sales/Leads.

Targeted Search Engine.
       - Targeted search engines -sometimes called topical search engines - are the most specific of them all.
       - These search engines are very narrowly focused, usually to a general topic, like medicine or branches of science, travel, sports or some other topic.
       - Example of targeted search engines include CitySearch, Yahoo! Travel, and MusicSearch, and like other types of search engines.

Wibsite marketing tools.
      - Website work as a best marketing tools.
      - This the way of communication.
      - Inform customers about product sell, buy & promotion.

How search engine does work?
      - A search engine is a coordinated set of programs that includes.
      - A spider (also called a "crawler" or a "bot") that goes to every page or representative pages on every Web site that wants to be searchable and reads it, using hypertext links on each page to discover and read a site's other pages.
      - A program that creates a huge index (sometimes called a "catalog") from the pages that have been read
      - A program that receives your search request, compares it to the entries in the index, and returns result to you.

SEO as a carrier. 
    * Today this is growing industry and many employee choose this field for his future        carrier.
    * Upcoming great opportunity in Bangladesh.
    * SEO work in many freelancing web sites like microworkers, jobboy, odesk &freelancers etc.

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